We are BUZZING to announce that we are working with the Pleasance and VAULT to curate a week of new work at the inaugural Fringe Futures Festival #FFF.
For THE FUTURE IS UNKNOWN (Week 3, 7th -11th June) we are looking to platform debut shows from new companies, artists and collaborations who are itching to test the waters and spread their wings. We know the last year has denied so many companies and artists from taking their first steps, but we hope it's just been a delay, not a cancellation. Anyone whose debut was dusted by the 'demic: HIT US UP! We got our first chance because of the Pleasance. Their support is incredible and we want to see other new artists, companies and collaborations get a similar chance to what we had back in 2017.
There are so many other brilliant themes selected by fellow Pleasance Associates:
Week 1 (24th - 28th May)
The Future is Noir with Nouveau Riche, curating work that will extend the cannon of what it means to be Black British and alive right now!
Week 2 (31st May - 4th June)
The Future is Pop Culture with Paula Varjack, focusing on work referencing, responding to or celebrating popular culture.
Week 4 (14th - 17th June)
The Future is Full Volume with Burnt Lemon, with a focus on music and spoken word.
Week 5 (21st - 25th June)
The Future is Eclectic + Electric with Bric a Brac, focusing on cabaret, drag, and clown through the lens of gender.
Get your submissions in, and we'll see you in the audience in the next couple of Months!